Sunday, August 07, 2005

The Trident

Deep in my inner world,
In a flash of momentary meditation
I beheld thy glorious dance
Swaying and holding the world in thy sway,
Benevolent Ma thou dist look beautiful.
With an eternal smile,
Thou dist look at me.
Then why the trident in thy hands?!!!
As if in reply, thy sway changed
Into a wonderous revolution….
Aneka kodi Brahmandangal
Revolving around thee….
Did I hear the melody of cymbals and Conch?!!!
Still I wondered……
Why the trident?
The look in thy face, the sweet smile
Changed into serious benevolence.
Thou charged towards me….
‘I’ receiving the trident
With full acceptance.. straight through the heart
(The trident pierced my ego)
‘I’ glimpsed immortality??!!!!!

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