Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Mind Pendulum

To and Fro ,To and Fro
End to End ,End to End,
Oscillations and more Oscillations,
Sometimes slow, sometimes fast...

Searching for that ever elusive...
but not knowing what the search is for...
Seeking false targets;one leading to another,
Ever searching but never ending oscillations.

O mind! thou dost oscillate
Owing to thine ever increasing burden.
The burden is not yours but you think it is;
An imaginary ever attracting never fulfilling burden.

Seek thy source, seek the eternal and not the external.
For that is where you began and that is the ultimate end.
That is the ultimate and permanent peace.....
That is the End of all searches.

Look Within....Look Within....
And thou shall finally rest...
Centered in Him in eternal bliss...
Tat Tvam Asi (Thou Art That).